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Natural Family Planning (NFP)
NFP classes are coming soon! A virtual class is being prepared and will be available within 3-4 weeks. Below you will find websites with information on different NFP methods. The Couple to Couple League has information on the symptothermal method, and the Naprotechnology website has information on the Creighton method. For more information on the classes or interest in being a teaching couple, contact us at the Nurturing Center.
This link leads to a great website that explains the Creighton method for Natural Family Planning. Using this method, a woman would check her cervical mucus daily to monitor any changes and thus determine when she is ovulating.
Couple to Couple League:
This website shows couples how to use the symptothermal method of Natural Family Planning. Using this method, a woman takes her temperature every morning with a digital thermometer to measure slight changes in basal body temperature, which indicates ovulation. In addition to monitoring temperature changes, a woman will check her cervical mucus and her cervix position. All this is placed on a chart for a more accurate picture in determining ovulation.
NFP International:
We have an online NFP manual that can be downloaded and we have a Home Study Course. We believe it is the best site for natural family teaching and support for Catholic teaching.
Sheila K. Kippley
NFP International
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood
For information on an upcoming class contact Jenna Chang at the Office of Marriage & Family Life at the Diocese of Lubbock (806) 792-3943.